It is an undeniable fact that each cosmetic and medical technique used in dentistry has its own disadvantages. The side effects of dental crowning are not exceptions to this general rule. They will explain to you all of the side effects of dental crowning, if you visit an experienced prosthetic specialist to get them crowning your tooth. Any experienced specialist is expected to not only enumerate the advantages and applications of dental crowns, but to explain everything about the dental crowns, letting their patient make the best possible decision. However, its advantages are more than its disadvantages, and there would be no problem, if the operation is carried out precisely and the patient keeps their crowned teeth properly. Moreover, dental crowning with orthodontic method and implant must be compared to each other and then make decisions about choosing one of them.
Why Is Dental Crowning Necessary?
Certainly, the question has come to your mind is “Why are dental crowns necessary?” Dental crowning operation is recognized as one of the most usable operations for dental health. Dental crowning is the best solution for certain cases including tooth fracture, damaged enamel, root canal treatment or filling teeth, when the a great surface of tooth is filled and also refining apparent problems such as tooth malformation, diastema, malocclusions. The cosmetic side of this operation, however, must be considered as well; particularly people have become very open to the dental crowns as a cosmetic thing to beautify their teeth.
The Most Important Side Effects Of Dental Crowns
You will be astonished by the effects. Most people believe that Dental Crowns don’t have side effects. However, its far from the truth. But, not to worry. The side effects and disadvantages of tooth crowns happen when dental crowning operation has not been conducted properly, or the patient has failed to follow the necessary care and instructions. Commonly, the side effects, which can be seen in both crowns of the denervated tooth and crowns of the filled tooth, are as follows:
1- Infection Beneath The Dental Crown
It is possible that infection would start after crowning your teeth. It usually happens when the necessary care and measures to keep the internal environment of the mouth clean before placing the tooth crowns are not observed properly. In order to avoid any potential tooth infection, before anything else a tooth prosthetic specialist is required to rinse and clean the place where the crowns are supposed to be installed and make sure that there are not even the tiniest external particles or factors that would cause infection in that area of the mouth.
2- Allergy To The Dental Crowns
Some people would show an allergy to substances used to make a tooth crown. Such allergic reactions are rare and generally disappear in a short period of time. In such cases, the tooth prosthetic specialists usually prescribe anti-allergic medicines to alleviate such side effects. However, depending on the substance used to make a tooth crown, people’s allergic reactions would vary.
3- Tooth Decay And Fracture Due To Crowns
Did you know that microbes and food particles can leak beneath a dental crown and as a result triggering tooth decay, if the tooth crown is not placed properly? For the same reason, you are recommended to ask an experienced specialist to place your tooth crown in order to make sure about the high quality of the operation. As you know, after placing the tooth crown, its movement would be very difficult, so enough precision must be applied in this procedure.
4- Improper Size Of Dental Crown
The size including its height and width of crowns must be proper and standard. Very short or very long crowns would bring about problems which must be explained later in this article. There must be a gap between the crown and the adjacent teeth, in terms of width, as the gap between the two teeth can be flossed easily after placing the crown. In cases where there is no gap between the crown and the adjacent tooth, the debris left here not only would cause an unpleasant feeling, but they would bring about decay and bad breath over time.
Disadvantages Of A Very Long Dental Crown
One of the most important disadvantages of a crown is its very long size. Maybe, at the initial days after installing your crown, you would feel that it is longer than it should be, this feeling at the initial days would be normal, but if stayed after several days and you still feel that your tooth crown is very long, you need to visit a dentist and ask them to help you to get rid of it. In the cases of a very long crown, eating and chewing activities would be done with difficulty, so the gum tissue would experience some serious and irrevocable damages. In most cases when the crown size is very long, patients would feel pain and discomfort.
Disadvantages Of A Very Short Dental Crown
The very short tooth crowns would bring about their own problems. When the crowns are shorter than what they should be, chewing the crown is not placed over the opposite tooth, so the other ones will experience a great pressure. It brings about a condition in which the pressure would develop during chewing is not distributed evenly and some teeth experience more pressure than others. So, if your tooth crown is shorter or longer than what it should be, please visit your dentist as soon as possible to solve the problem.
5- A Loosened Dental Crown
Naturally, the tooth crown must remain fixed after it was installed, otherwise it would loosen and fall after a while and the patient has no choice but to visit their dentist and ask them to install a new one with more costs. What is more important here is that sometimes the damages are not just financial and the teeth itself would be damaged, as well.

Placement of dental crown by the dentist on the tooth model
6- The Gap Between The Dental Crown and Gum
In the normal condition, no gap is seen between the crown and the gum; however, sometimes it happens. Given the position of the gum and the arrangement of the teeth relative to the gums, the dentist needs to fill the gap between the crown and the gum. Ignoring it would result in a big gap between the crown and the gum.
The gap between the tooth and the gum not only develops an unpleasant appearance, it brings about some problems; for example food debris would stick to the empty space between the crown and gum and would cause tooth decay beneath the crown and bad breath over time. Even if this problem does not occur, people do not like it and try to get rid of it as soon as possible.