After installing orthodontic brackets on the teeth, patients may experience discomfort in their teeth or gums. Mild pain and discomfort are common side effects of using orthodontic brackets. Typically, the sensation occurs after the installation of the brackets or adjustments to orthodontic wires. Commonly, a patient’s discomfort may last between four days and a week. The pressure by orthodontic brackets on the teeth causes sensitivity and, occasionally, pain in the patient’s mouth. There are several strategies to prevent or treat this pain to a considerable extent. In this article, we aim to introduce nine effective methods for managing and preventing pain during the early days of orthodontic treatment.
1- Consumption of oral painkillers
To reduce the pain caused by orthodontic brackets, oral painkillers can be used. Commonly prescribed medications by orthodontists include anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs such as Ibuprofen, benzocaine gel, Anbesol, or Orajel. These gels can be applied directly to the gums (be sure to avoid ingestion). After a short period, rinse with mild water.

2- Applying a cold compress to the face
One home remedy to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by orthodontic brackets is using a cold compress. Performing this process is simple, place a special gel compress in the freezer and apply it to your face. If a gel compress is not available, put some ice in a freezer bag and apply it to your lips with a thin cloth. Additionally, apply to areas around your face to reduce toothache.

3- Consuming cold water or ice cream after applying orthodontic brackets
After applying orthodontic brackets, whenever you experience discomfort or pain in the gums and the teeth, consuming cold water can reduce the pain. Consumption of ice cream is also recommended in this condition. The numbing effect of cold water and ice cream reduces discomfort caused by the brackets. Additionally, it is essential to note that eating ice cream immediately after applying brackets can help prevent gingivitis.

4- Rinsing the mouth with a saltwater solution to reduce the pain caused by orthodontic brackets
Another way to alleviate the discomfort from orthodontic brackets is by dissolving one to two teaspoons of salt in warm water and using the solution to rinse the mouth. Since salt acts as a catalyst for accelerating the healing process of wounds, it reduces pain. Furthermore, gargling with a saltwater solution prevents the accumulation of microbes and bacteria in the mouth.
5- Using orthodontic wax and elastic bands
When an orthodontist utilizes fixed orthodontic brackets for treating patients, special elastic bands with tensile properties are prescribed for the patient. These bands significantly alleviate the pain caused by orthodontics. Orthodontic wax is also recognized as a method to reduce the pain caused by the sharpness of orthodontic wires. The wax is applied to brackets and helps relieve the individual’s discomfort.

6- Gum massage during orthodontic treatment
A gingival massage can help relieve the discomfort of experiencing severe gum pain. To do this, gently massage your gums with your fingers from the external surface of your mouth. By performing massages, in addition to alleviating pain after orthodontic treatment, you also prevent gum inflammation.
7- Maintaining oral hygiene to prevent orthodontic pain
How you care for your teeth and orthodontic brackets can significantly affect the level of pain, and discomfort experienced both in the initial days and throughout orthodontic treatment. Maintaining oral hygiene is essential for preventing gum inflammation. An appropriate routine, including orthodontic-specific interdental brushes, dental floss, and mouthwash, can prevent gum inflammation. Consequently, reducing the pain associated with the installation of orthodontic brackets. Increased plaque and bacterial accumulation on your teeth will result in a more painful orthodontic treatment.

8- Consuming soft and well-cooked food during orthodontic treatment
It is recommended that raw and hard foods be replaced with well-cooked foods during the use of orthodontic brackets. This will help to prevent pressure and pain in the teeth and gums. Consuming various soups and liquid foods is advised throughout the orthodontic treatment. You can refer to the list of foods to avoid during this period in the article “Foods to Avoid During Orthodontic Treatment.”

9- Be patient and consult with your orthodontic
Ultimately, it is advisable to be patient throughout orthodontic treatment and try to endure the discomfort resulting from the installation of dental braces. If the pain intensity is high and it is hard to tolerate, it is essential to consult your orthodontist. By enduring this temporary pain you will achieve your desired smile shortly.
Feeling pain and discomfort following the installation of orthodontic brackets for the initial few days is entirely natural, and following the recommended measures, such as using analgesics, applying cold compresses, and gargling with salt water, can significantly alleviate the pain. If you experience severe pain, consulting with a specialized orthodontist can help reduce your concerns.
Strategies to Reduce Pain Caused by Orthodontic Braces FAQ
It is advisable to consume soft foods and cool beverages after braces are installed.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen can be effective in reducing pain. However, it’s essential to consult with an orthodontist before taking any medication. Avoid using it without consultation.
Orthodontic brackets can lead to various forms of discomfort, including toothache, jaw pain, gum sensitivity, headaches, and challenges with chewing food.