- Jamilian A., Showkatbakhsh, A., Accelerating teeth movement using PEMF. The First Conference of Iranian Orthodontists. September 19-20, 2002; Tehran, Iran.
- Jamilian A., Showkatbakhsh, A. Using LAHPH to treat medium Open Bite. The First Conference of Iranian Orthodontists. September 19-20, 2002; Tehran, Iran.
- Jamilian A., Showkatbakhsh, A., Golmohammadi, S. The effect of lower first premolar extraction on the lower third molar space. The Second International Conference of Iranian Orthodontists. July 23-26, 2003; Mashhad, Iran.
- Jamilian A., Showkatbakhsh, A., Darwish H. The effect of mandibular set back on soft tissue profile. The Second International Conference of Iranian Orthodontists, July 12-26, 2003; Mashhad, Iran.
- Behnaz M., Showkatbakhsh A., Jamilian A. Evaluating the Fixed Tongue Appliance’s effect on treating patients of advancing maxillary deficiency. The Ninth International Conference of Iranian Orthodontists, Mashhad, May 18-20, 2011
- Moradinejad M., Showkatbakhsh, A., Toumarian, L., Jamilian A., Mirkarimi M., Evaluating the results of Tongue Plate treatment and combining the Facemask with the removable oral appliance in advancing patients. The Ninth International Conference on Iranian Orthodontists, Mashhad, May 18-20, 2011.
Posters in National Congresses

05 Jan