
At your first visit we will do following steps:


During the free-of-charge initial examination, the doctor will evaluate your teeth, bites, gums, bone structure, general health, and temporomandibular joint. The doctor will also be evaluating the need for your orthodontic treatment and the proper time. At this point the doctor will explain and recommend treatment options and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any areas of concern you may have with Dr. Jamilian.

Diagnostic Records

Once the doctor has determined the treatment which is indicated for you, we will take diagnostic records, which consist of :

1) Impressions of the teeth

2) X- ray of head and teeth

3) Photographs of the mouth and face

These records will enable us to make the most appropriate and accurate diagnosis. At this time, the doctor will explain everything in detail, including the method of treatment, the different phases and elements, whether you will need to see other specialist before you begin and if there is a need to extract one or some teeth, the approximate duration of your treatment and the costs involved, and you will have time to ask as many questions as you need to make a thoughtful decision that is appropriate for you. Every orthodontic case is different and has its own special treatment.

Dr Abdolreza Jamilian Orthodontist

Dr. Jamilian, an orthodontist, has a specialized fellowship in orthodontic surgery and maxillofacial abnormalities and is a professor in the orthodontics department of the Dentistry School of the Islamic Azad University. He is member of Iranian and European Board of Orthodontics (EBO) and is a member of the Iranian, American and European Orthodontists Association.

منتشر شده توسط
Dr Abdolreza Jamilian Orthodontist

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