دسته: Orthodontics

Closing Diastema With Orthodontics And It’s Effects On Smiling

The most significant effect on how your smile appears is your front teeth; therefore, their beauty has special importance. In multiple cases, the diastema is caused by many factors having negative effects on the appearance and smile. Orthodontics is a method of diastema closure, which will be explained in the following paragraphs.

What Is Diastema And What Complications Does It Cause?

In dentistry, diastema refers directly to the gap between the two front teeth on the upper jaw. This gap might emerge between every two teeth; however, diastema appears commonly between the two upper front teeth. Keep in mind, there are different factors to cause diastema. The most important causes of diastema are the smallness of teeth in proportion to the size of jaw, loss of teeth, mismatch of jaw bones, and heredity. Diastema often emerges in children and even lasts until adulthood if it is left untreated. It may cause some complications such as:

  • Speech disorders
  • Tooth decay
  • Infectious gums
  • Loss of a beautiful smile
  • Reduction of self-confidence while smiling

Treatment Of Diastema With Orthodontics

Diastema can be treated with orthodontics, in which a variety of braces are used to bridge the gap between teeth. Regardless of their types, braces are all based on the same mechanism. Exerting pressure on teeth, braces bring them together and close diastema gradually.

How Long Does It Take to Close Diastema With Orthodontics?

The treatment duration of diastema with orthodontics would depend on a variety of different factors, the most important of which include the length of gap between teeth and types of braces used in orthodontics. A skilled orthodontist may predict the treatment duration approximately for every patient based on their conditions.

Appropriate Time To See An Orthodontist For Diastema Treatment

Diastema has a possibility to emerge within the children whose permanent teeth have recently begun to grow. Treating diastema with orthodontists for children is not required in some cases. However, the orthodontist’s opinion should be taken into account as the gap between the teeth may naturally go away over time as the permanent tooth evolves. In this specific case, diastema is cured by itself. Nevertheless, it is advisable to see an orthodontist at the age of seven for the first time to consider orthodontic problems. Upon noticing any abnormal gaps between their tooth, adults should see an orthodontist and start the diastema treatment if necessary. To treat diastema, patients should wait until they are 12 years old, for all permanent teeth to grow at this age, and diastema is automatically closed. If the gap is not bridged at the age of 12, it is necessary to use fixed orthodontics for diastema closure.

Effect of Diastema Closure With Orthodontics On The Smile Design

Orthodontics closes the too wide gap between teeth and put the teeth at the right place. As a result, the teeth become arranged and aligned. Orthodontics not only closes diastema but also fixes any crooked or misaligned teeth. After the orthodontic treatment is over, the patient will have a beautiful smile. This can improve the apparent beauty and have a significant effect on self-confidence.

Closing Diastema With Orthodontics And Its Effect On Smiling FAQ

1-At what time does diastema closure require surgery?

If the frenum causes diastema, it should be removed in a surgery after the orthodontic treatment to prevent any diastema after the orthodontic brackets are removed. In other words, an orthodontic treatment should first be performed to close the gap, and then the frenum surgery would be performed.

2-How can diastema be prevented?

In many cases, diastema is not preventable before any prior treatments. Nevertheless, paying close attention to the dental & oral hygiene in the family. With the addition to regularly and seeing dentists often can have a significant effect on the prevention and timely diagnosis of diastema.

3-How much does diastema closure cost with orthodontics?

For any purposes, the cost of orthodontic treatment will vary on different factors such as the type of quality of materials and braces. In addition, if a patient needs orthodontic treatments in other areas of the jaw, the total cost of an orthodontic treatment will be different based on the problems.

4-Is diastema closure painful with orthodontics?

Orthodontic appliances exert pressure on jaws and teeth, as it’s how the appliance gathers them together to correct their position. As a result of this pressure, patients might feel pain in jaws and teeth, especially in the early days after the treatment.

5-When is the best time for diastema treatment with orthodontics?

Diastema should be treated after the age of 12, for the growth of other permanent teeth and the pressure that they exert on diastema might close it automatically. However, it will not be treated by itself after the age of 12.

6-Is it appropriate to use dental composites for diastema closure?

In a short answer: No. Using dental composites for diastema closure makes the two front teeth look wider, something which is often unpleasant for people. Dental composites are additionally prone to color change and stains. At the same time, teeth should be carved for composite placement, and carving enamels would harm the teeth.

Dr Abdolreza Jamilian Orthodontist

Dr. Jamilian, an orthodontist, has a specialized fellowship in orthodontic surgery and maxillofacial abnormalities and is a professor in the orthodontics department of the Dentistry School of the Islamic Azad University. He is member of Iranian and European Board of Orthodontics (EBO) and is a member of the Iranian, American and European Orthodontists Association.

منتشر شده توسط
Dr Abdolreza Jamilian Orthodontist

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