- Jamilian A , Showkatbakhsh R , Boushehry M . The effect of tongue appliance on the nasomaxillary complex in growing cleft lip and palate patients . J Indian soc pedod prev dent Sep 2006 ;24(3): 136-139
- Emami Meibodi Sh , Jamilian A , Showkatbakhsh R . The effect of anterior inclined plane treatment on the dentoskeletal of Class II division I patients . J Indian soc pedod prev dent Jul-Sep 2007 ; 25 (3) : 130-132
- Jamilian A , Nayeri F, Babayan A : Incidence cleft lip and palate in Tehran . J Indian soc pedod prev dent Oct-Dec 2007 ; 25(4) : 174-176
- Jamilian A, Gholami D, Toliat M, Safaeian SH. Changes in facial profile during orthodontic treatment with extraction of four premolars . Orthodontic waves 67 (2008) 157 –161
- Jamilian A, Ghasemi M, Gholami D, Kaveh B. Clinical effects of 2% chlorhexidine gel on patients undergoing orthodontic treatment . Orthodontic waves 67 (2008) 162 –166
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Eslamian L. Treatment effects of R-appliance and Bionator in Class II division 1 malocclusion. Iranian Journal of Orthodontics. 2008; 3: 52-58
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Gholami D, Kamali Z. The relation between pogonion advancement and posterior maxillary impaction. Journal of craniofacial surgery 2009; 20: 841-843
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Kamali Z .R-Appliance: A different design in functional therapy in Cl II Div I malocclusion. International journal of orthodontics 2009; 20(2): 11-15
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R. The Effect of Tongue Appliance on the Maxilla in Class III Malocclusion due to Maxillary Deficiency. International journal of orthodontics 2009; 20(3): 11-15
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R .Treatment of maxillary deficiency by miniscrew implants – a case report. Journal of Orthodontics 2010; 37, 56–61
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A. A novel approach in treatment of maxillary deficiency by reverse chin cup. International journal of orthodontics2010; 21(2): 27-31
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A. Opening or closing space for replacing upper incisors. Two case reports. Rev Esp Ortod. 2010; 40(3): 181-5
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R. Non-surgical treatment of mandibular deviation: a case report. Australian Orthodontic Journal. 2010; 26(2): 201-205
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh M. The effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on tooth movement acceleration. World journal of orthodontics. 2010; 11(4); e52-56
- Jamilian A, Toliat M, Etezad S. Prevalence of malocclusion and index of orthodontic treatment need in children in Tehran. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2010; 8(4): 339-43
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Amiri SS. Treatment effects of the R-appliance and twin block in Class II division 1 malocclusion. Eur J Orthod. 2011 Aug; 33(4):354-8
- Jamilian A, Saghiri AM, Sheibaniniya A, Kamali Z, Mousavi K. Tensile Strength of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains- In vitro Orthodontic CYBER Journal. January, 2011
- Ghassemi M; Jamilian A; Fritz U; Riediger D; Ghassemi A: Orthodontic treatment after autotransplantation. Angle Orthod. 2011 Jul; 81(4):721-5
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A. A Novel Method of Maxillary Deficiency Treatment by tongue plate – a case report. International journal of orthodontics 2011; 22(1): 31-34
- Jamilian A, Nasoohi N, Sheibanini A, Kamali Z Hakimi Meibodi M . Tensile Strength of Orthodontic Elastomeric Ligatures – In Vitro Ortho Update 2011; 4: 53–55
- Jamilian,A,Saghiri A, Ghasemi M, Ghasemian A, Borna N, Kamali Z. The effects of two mouth rinses on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets – An In-vitro study. Virtual Journal of Orthodontics June, 2011: http://www.vjo.it/
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Pourdanesh F, Ghorbani A, Behnaz M. Hyrax Application as a Tooth-Borne Distractor for Maxillary Advancement. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2011: 22(4)
- Moshref M, Jamilian A, Lotfi A, Showkatbakhsh R. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Associated with a Dental Implant – a case report and literature review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2011; 3(2): e166-8
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A. Treatment of Class III patient: a case report. Australian Orthodontic Journal. 2011; 27(1): 69-74
- Jamilian A, Haraji A, Showkatbakhsh R, Valaee N. The Effects of Miniscrew with Class III Traction in Growing Patients with Maxillary Deficiency. International Journal of Orthodontics 2011; 22(1), 25–30
- Showkatbakhsh R , Jamilian A , Behnaz M .Treatment of Maxillary Deficiency by Miniplates: A Case Report. ISRN Surgery; 2011:854924. doi: 10.5402/2011/854924
- Showkatbakhsh R, Meybodi SE, Jamilian A, Meybodi SA, Meybodi EM. Treatment effects of R-appliance and Anterior Inclined Bite Plate in Class II, Division I malocclusion. J Appl Oral Sci. 2011 Dec; 19(6): 634-8.
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Taban T. The effects of fixed and removable face masks on maxillary deficiencies in growing patients. Orthodontics (Chic.). 2012;13(1):e37-43
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Ghassemi M, Ghassemi A, , Taban T , Imani Z. The effects of facemask and reverse chin cup on maxillary deficient patients. Journal of Orthodontics. 2012:39, 95–101
- Pourdanesh F, Sharifi R, Mohebbi A, Jamilian A, Effects of maxillary advancement and impaction on nasal airway function. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Nov;41(11):1350-2
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Tehrani A, A Novel Approach for Treatment of Mandibular Deficiency with Vertical Growth Pattern. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2012 Summer;23(2):23-7
- Pourdanesh F, Sayyedi A, Jamilian A, Yaghmaei M, Application of self-recorded photos using mobile phones in maxillofacial surgery . Journal of mobile technology in medicine. 2012 1:3:46-49
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A. The necessity to establish surgical orthodontic fellowship program for orthodontists. Prog Orthod.2012 Nov;13(3):260-5.doi: 10.1016/j.pio.2012.02.002. Epub 2012 May 8
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Taban T, Golrokh M. The effects of Face mask and Tongue Appliance on Maxillary Deficiency in growing patients: A randomized clinical trial. Prog Orthod. 2012 Nov;13(3):266-72. doi: 10.1016/j.pio.2011.12.004. Epub 2012 Apr 9
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A , Mashayekhi Z,A Novel Approach in Treatment of Open bite: A case report. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2013Spring ;24(1):29-32
- Showkatbakhsh R, Castaldo M.I , Jamilian A , Padricelli G, Fahimi Hanzayi M , Cappabianca S , Perillo L . Treatment effects of R-Appliance and fränkel-2 in class II division 1 malocclusions. European journal of paediatric dentistry.. 2013 Mar;14(1):17-22
- Showkatbakhsh R, Toumarian L, Jamilian A, Sheibaninia A, Mirkarimi M, Taban T. The effects of face mask and tongue plate on maxillary deficiency in growing patients: a randomized clinical trial.J Orthod. 2013 Jun;40(2):130-6
- Showkatbakhsh R, Ghassemi A, Gerressen M, Ghassemi M, Jamilian A, Mohammad S, Pal US. Bone remodeling to correct maxillary deficiency after growth cessation. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Jul; 3(2):202-6
- Jamilian A, Fattahi FH, Kootanayi NG. Ankyloglossia and tongue mobility. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2013 Jul 17
- Showkatbakhsh R, Behnia H, Jamilian A, Heydarpour M, Fetrati A. Lefort 1 osteotomy in a beta-thalassemia major patient–a case report. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2013 Summer; 24(2):15-8
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Ghassemi M, Ghassemi A, Shayan A. Maxillary deficiency treatment by fixed tongue appliance –a case report Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2013 Fall; 24(3):31-4
- Pourdanesh F, Khayampour A, Jamilian A. Therapeutic effects of local application of dexamethasone during bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jul; 72(7):1391-4. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2013.12.025.
- Ghassemia M, Hilgers RD, Jamilian A, Hölzled F, Fritza Ul, Gerressene M, Ghassemi A Consideration of Effect of the amount of mandibular setback on the submental region in the planning of orthodontic–orthognathic treatment. Br J Oral Maxillofacial Surg. 2014 Apr; 52(4):334-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2014.01.009.
- Jamilian A, Parhiz H, Rastegariyan H, Nobakht S. Efficacy of three Disinfectants on Alginate Impressions. Iranian Journal of Orthodontics. 6, 1 (2011/6):32-37
- Azizi A, Moosavi S, Jamilian A. The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion. Gen Dent. 2014 Jul-Aug; 62(4):66-7
- Ghassemi M, Jamilian A, Becker JR, Modabber A, Fritz U, Ghassemi A. Soft-tissue changes associated with different surgical procedures for treating class III patients. J Orofac Orthop. 2014 Jul; 75(4):299-307. Epub 2014 Jul 6
- Perillo L, Jamilian A, Shafieyoon A, Karimi H, Cozzani M. Finite element analysis of miniscrew placement in mandibular alveolar bone with varied angulations. Eur J Orthod. 2014 Aug 1. pii: cju006.
- Peyvandi AA, Jamilian A, Moradi E. Relationship between conductive hearing loss and maxillary constriction. J Laryngol Otol. 2014 Aug 15:1-3.
- Jamilian A, ShowkatbakhshR, Borna N, Perillo L. The Effects of Maxillary Protrusion on Pharyngeal Airway Dimensions. J Dent Probl Solut .2014, 1(1): 101.
- Jamilian A, Moghaddas O,Toopchi SH,Perillo L, Comparison of Nickel and Chromium Ions Released from Stainless Steel and NiTi Wires after Immersion in Oral B®,Orthokin® and Artificial Salvia. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, July-August 2014;15 (4):
- Jamilian A, Jamilian M, Darnahal A, Hamedi R, Mollaei M, Toopchi Sh. Hypodontia and supernumerary and impacted teeth in children with various types of clefts. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014; Feb;147(2):221-5.
- Jamilian ,Darnahal A, Damani E, Talaeipoor M, Kamali Z, Prevalence of orthodontic treatment need and Occlusal Traits in Schoolchildren . International Scholarly Research Notices. Volume 2014, Article ID 349793, 5 page http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/349793
- Hamidreza Jamilian, Mehri Jamilian, Alireza Darnahal, Abdolreza Jamilian, Letizia Perillo. A psychological study of people who seek orthodontic treatment: Comparison with untreated controls. APOS Trends in Orthodontics, January 2015, Vol 5, Issue 1
- Jamilian A, Perillo L, Rosa M .Missing upper incisors: a retrospective study of orthodontic space closure versus implant. Progress in Orthodontics (2015) 16:2 DOI 10.1186/s40510-015-0072-2
- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A ,Alipanahi M, Perillo L. Treatment Effects of R-Appliance in Vertical Growing Patients-Case Series. Stoma Edu. 2014:1(2)
- Ghassemi M, Ghassemi A, Showkatbakhsh R, Sayeed Ahmad S, Shadab M, Modabber A, Jamilian A. Evaluation of soft and hard tissue changes after bimaxillary surgery in class III orthognathic surgery and aesthetic consideration. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol 5, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2014, 157-160
- Giugliano D, Apuzzo F, Jamilian A, Perillo L. Relationship between Malocclusion and Oral Habits. Davide Giugliano et al. Current Research in Dentistry 2014, 5 (2): 17.21
- Yassaei S, Jamilian A, Joshan N. Effects of Twin-Block and Faramand-LL appliances on soft tissue profile in the treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusion. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2014, Winter; 25(4): 57-62.
- Grassia V, d’Apuzzo F, DiStasio D, Jamilian A, Lucchese A, Perillo L. Upper and lower arch changes after Mixed Palatal Expansion protocol. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2014 Dec;15(4):375-80.
- Grassia V , d’Apuzzo F, Jamilian A, Femiano F, Favero L,Perillo L. Comparison between rapid and mixed maxillary expansion through an assessment of arch changes on dental casts. Progress in Orthodontics. 2015, Dec; 16 (1):89.
- 61- Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A, Behnaz M, Ghassemi M, Ghassemi A. The short-term effects of face mask and fixed tongue appliance on maxillary deficiency in growing patients–a randomized clinical trial. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2015, Spring; 26(1):33-8.
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Darnahal A, Baniasad N, Kamali Z. Prevalence of Dental Anomalies in Children with Different Types of Cleft. Dent. Med. Probl. 2015, 52, 2, 192–196
- Jamilian A, Darnahal A, Eslami S, Kiaee B, Kamalee Z, Perillo L. The Relationship between Orthodontic Treatment Need and Oral Health Related Quality of Life of School Children. STOMA. EDUJ (2015), 2 (1), 44-50
- Ghassemi M, Hilgers RD, Jamilian A, Shokatbakhsh A, Hölzle F, Fritz U, Ghassemi A.Effect of maxillary advancement on the change in the soft tissues after treatment of patients with class III malocclusion. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Oct;53(8):754-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2015.06.001. Epub 2015 Jun 26.
- Srivastava D, Ghassemi A, Ghassemi M, Showkatbakhsh R, Jamilian A. Use of anterior maxillary distraction osteogenesis in two cleft lip and palate patients. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 6, 1 Jan-Jun 2015 80-83
- Pakshir H;Mokhtar A; Darnahal A;Kamali Z; Jamilian A. Treatment Effects of Farmand Appliance in Class II Division 1 Malocclusion. Journal of Research in Dental &; Maxillofacial Sciences, 1, 1, 2015 22-27
- Pakshir H;Mokhtar A; Darnahal A;Kamali Z; Jamilian A. Treatment Effects of Farmand Appliance in Class II Division 1 Malocclusion. Journal of Research in Dental & Maxillofacial Sciences, 1, 1, 2015 22-27
- Maghsoudi Nejad A, Jamilian A, Emami Meibodi SH, Hafezi L, Khosravi S, Cappabianca S, Perillo L. Reliability of panoramic radiographs for determination of Gonial and Frankfurt Mandibular Horizontal Angles in different skeletal patterns. STOMA. EDUJ (2016), 3 (1), 18- 22
- – Jamilian A, Darnahal A, Hamedi R, Kamali Z, Toopchi S, Photogrammetric analysis of facial profile in Persian adults. Gen Dent. 2016 Mar-Apr;64(2):52-5.
- Azizi A, Jamilian A, Nucci F, Kamali Z, Hosseinikhoo N, Perillo L. Release of metal ions from round and rectangular NiTi wires. Prog Orthod. 2016; 17:10. doi: 10.1186/s40510-016-0123-3. Epub 2016 Apr 4. PMID: 27004805
- Jamilian A, Cannavale R, Piancino MG, Eslami S, Perillo L. Methodological quality and outcome of systematic reviews reporting on orthopaedic treatment for class III malocclusion: Overview of systematic reviews.J Orthod. 2016 Apr 18:1-19. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27086590
- Jamilian A, Lucchese A, Darnahal A, Kamali Z, Perillo L. Cleft sidedness and congenitally missing teeth in patients with cleft lip and palate patients.Prog Orthod. 2016;17:14. doi: 10.1186/s40510-016-0127-z. Epub 2016 May
- Jamilian A, Kiaee B, Sanayei S, Khosravi S, Perillo L. Orthodontic Treatment of Malocclusion and its Impact on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life. Open Dent J. 2016 May 31;10:236-41. doi: 10.2174/1874210601610010236. eCollection 2016.
- Grassia V, Gentile E, Stasio D, Jamilian A, Matarese G, D’Apuzzo F, Santoro R, Perillo L, Serpico R, Lucchese A. In vivo confocal microscopy analysis of enamel defects after orthodontic treatment: A preliminary study. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2016 Oct 13:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Femiano F, Femiano R, Femiano L, Jamilian A, Rullo R, Perillo L. Dentin caries progression and the role of metalloproteinases: an update. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2016 Sep;17(3):243-247.
- Pakshir H, Mokhtar A, Darnahal A, Kamali Z, Behesti MH, Jamilian A, Effect of Bionator and Farmand Appliance on the Treatment of Mandibular Deficiency in Prepubertal Stage, Turk J Orthod. 2017 Mar;30(1):15-20. doi: 10.5152/TurkJOrth d.2017.1604. Epub 2017 Mar 1.
- Pakshir HR, Jamilian A, Mokhtar A, Darnahal A, Kamali Z, Nucci L, Perillo L. Effects of Farmand and Fränkel-2 functional appliances on mandibular deficiency in late mixed dentition. Stoma Edu J. 2017;4(3):182-187.
- Eslami S, Showkatbakhsh R, Narimani M, Kamalee Z, Jamilian A. Effects of tongue plate on the nasomaxillary complex of patients with unilateral cleft lip and cleft palate. J Res Dentomaxillofac Sci. 2017;2(3) :9-15
- Faber J, Morum T, Jamilian A, Eslami S, Leal S, Infection predictive factors with orthodontic anchorage miniplates., Seminars Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 24, No 1, 2018: pp 37– 44
- Jamilian A, Sarkarat F, Jafari M, Neshandar M, Amini E, Khosravi S, Ghassemi A. Family history and risk factors for cleft lip and palate patients and their associated anomalies. Stomatologija. 2017;19(3):78-83.
- Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Behnaz M, Ghassemi A, Kamalee Z, Perillo L. Tooth-borne distraction osteogenesis versus conventional Le Fort I in maxillary advancement of cleft lip and palate patients.Minerva Stomatol. 2018 Jun;67(3):117-124. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4970.18.04121-3. Epub 2018 Jan 31
- Eslami S, Faber J, Fateh A, Sheikholaemmeh F, Grassia V, Jamilian A. Treatment decision in adult patients with class III malocclusion: surgery versus orthodontics. Prog Orthod. 2018 Aug 2;19(1):28. doi: 10.1186/s40510-018-0218-0
- Tahmasbi S, Jamilian A, Showkatbakhsh R, Pourdanesh F, Behnaz M. Cephalometric changes in nasopharyngeal area after anterior maxillary segmental distraction versus Le Fort I osteotomy in patients with cleft lip and palate.Eur J Dent. 2018 Jul-Sep;12(3):393-397. doi: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_374_17.
- Cozzani M, Azizi A, Eslami S, Darnahal A, Pirhadirad A, Jamilian A. 3-dimensional finite element analysis of the outcomes of Alexander, Gianelly, Roth and MBT bracket prescription. Int Orthod. 2019 Mar;17(1):45-52. doi: 10.1016/j.ortho.2019.01.010. Epub 2019 Feb 14.
Cozzani M, Sadri D, Nucci L, Jamilian P, Pirhadirad AP, Jamilian A.The effect of Alexander, Gianelly, Roth, and MBT bracket systems on anterior retraction: a 3-dimensional finite element study. Clin Oral Investig. 2020 Mar;24(3):1351-1357. doi: 10.1007/s00784-019-03016-6. Epub 2019 Jul 28.PMID: 31352519
- Marra PM, Nucci L,Abdolreza J,Perillo L,Itro1 A,Grassia V. Odontoma in a Young and Anxious Patient Associated with Unerupted Permanent Mandibular Cuspid: A Case Report. Journal of International Oral Health.Volume 12 Issue 2 March‑April 2020
- Alizadeh VS, Nucci L,Farahmand M, Mahaseni Aghdam H,Fateh A, Jamilian A, d’Apuzzo F. Hard and Soft Tissue Changes in Patients with Borderline Class III Malocclusion after Maxillary Advancement or Mandibular Setback Surgery: A Cross-Sectional Study, Dental Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research doi: 10.31487/j.DOBCR.2020.01.08
- Jamilian A, Nucci L, Fateh A,Toliat M, Darnahal A, Alassadi M, Wang CW . Stability of skeletal class III malocclusion after orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1)
Cozzani M, Nucci L, Lupini D, Dolatshahizand H, Fazeli D, Barzkar E, Naeini E, Jamilian A.The ideal insertion angle after immediate loading in Jeil, Storm, and Thunder miniscrews: A 3D-FEM study. Int Orthod. 2020 May 6. pii: S1761-7227(20)30038-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ortho.2020.03.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- Nazari MS, Tallaeipoor AR, Nucci L, Karamifar AA, Jamilian A, Evaluation of bone mineral density using cone beam computed tomography. Stoma Edu J. 2019 ; 6(4): 241-247
- Apuzzo F, Nucci L, Jamilian A, Rullo R, Grassia V, Perillo L.Evaluation of upper arch changes in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate after maxillary expansion using digital dental casts. https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(2).art.4
- Jamilian A, Nucci L , Amini E, Toliat M, Bagherzadeh Hamedani SH, Femiano F. The effects of tongue plate and tongue appliance on maxillary deficiency in growing patients. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(4): 243-251
- Naeini E , Sarkarat F , Jamilian A , Kalantar Motamedi MH, Comparative Evaluation of 7 Fixation Plates in Mandibular Angle Fractures Using Finite Element Analysis. Trauma Monthly 2020;25(4): 145-152
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